BID Ballot 2021/26
Team London Bridge exists to make London Bridge one of the most sustainable, culturally innovative and compelling commercial districts in the world.
In achieving this we will create:
· A Great Place to Work
· An Environmentally Focused Business District
· A Thriving Community
Take a look at our 2021 - 2026 Business Plan.
Team London Bridge is a Business Improvement District (BID), a not-for-profit business organisation, run by 350+ members within the London Bridge BID boundary to deliver projects and services that will benefit them collectively as a business community.
We are required by law to ballot our levy paying businesses every five years. This allows businesses to collectively shape a five-year programme of BID projects and decide whether or not they wish to continue funding these additional services through the BID levy until 2026.
Between 25 January and 25 February 2021, London Bridge BID member businesses voted in favour of retaining BID services and committed to paying the BID levy for the period 2021-26.
95% voted in favour by number and 97% by rateable value (RV), with a 52% turnout.
For more details about this process and the ballot results please email
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