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Wellbeing Champion Training

Do you want to provide holistic support for your colleagues re. their wellbeing one-on-one and/or help organise fun wellbeing initiatives to help your whole team to maintain happier, healthier lives? Then this condensed training session is for you!

• What is a wellbeing champion?

• Overview of workplace wellbeing: mental health, physical activity, sleep, nutrition and company culture - how they impact individual's happiness, health and work.

• Overview of any existing wellbeing provision at your organisation

• Understanding your colleagues: We know that your colleagues have different barriers, enablers and aims to wellbeing. Together, we’ll look at how your wellbeing champions can work to understand their colleagues' unique wellbeing needs and how to come up with inclusive ways to encourage and enable their unique wellbeing needs.

• How to have 1:1 conversations about wellbeing - including role plays

• Practical tools to encourage and enable wellbeing - e.g. signposting, inclusive wellbeing initiative ideas, how to support individuals etc.

• Action plan development: As a group, they will work together to come up with bespoke actions they will take - e.g. develop an initiative calendar or how they will go about encouraging and enabling their colleagues to improve their wellbeing.

*This workshop is available to Team London Bridge members only; places are limited so we might not be able to accommodate more than 2 representatives per organisation.

Browse all the other Workplace Wellbeing workshops that we will be running throughout the year, and book your place early to avoid disapointment:

All attendees will be provided with the opportunity for a 30 minute 1-2-1 consultation with Khalil to chat through any personal or organisational wellbeing strategy questions.