Cabinet of Living Cinema - #100 Years Tour: Enchanted Cinema


The Cabinet of Living Cinema led by Kieron Chissik create live cinema events in unusual and inspiring locations. They have scored films by Svankmajer, Jodorowsky, Fritz Lang, Eisenstein and Paradjanov using loop pedals, “found object foley” and orchestral instruments.

#100years Tour: Enchanted Cinema is a magical outdoor cinema performance, with live scores of 100 years of animation including 1973 Where the Wild Things Are.

Returning to London Bridge after the brilliant Dr Caligari shows at the Old Operating Theatre, Team London Bridge present Cabinet of Living Cinema with #100years Tour: Enchanted Cinema- a magical outdoor cinema performance coming to The Scoop. As we wait for the sun to set, you can enjoy performances by our world-class musicians. The audience is then invited to participate in creating sound FX and narration for the 1973 Where the Wild Things Are animation, with a replica of Max’s Boat from the short film creating a centre-stage musical mothership alongside a host of stunning European animation and avant-garde cinema.

4 August at 7:30pm

Twitter: @CabinetofLC

Instagram: @cabinentoflivingcinema

Facebook: The Cabinet of Living Cinema


Guest UserLLBaart, LLBart