Open Call for London Festival of Architecture 2020
Nadia Broccardo and Tamsie Thomson unveil Andrew Logan’s Sunshine as part of LFA2019.
Our colleagues at the London Festival of Architecture (LFA) have announced their ‘Call for Entries’ for 2020. Whether you’ve previously run events for the festival or are thinking about staging your first event – they would love to hear from you.
From guided walks, exhibitions and performances to concerts, family-fun days and the beloved Studio Lates programme, London Bridge hosted over 60 events in June 2019 will once again be a Focus Area for the festival next year.
The London Festival of Architecture exists to democratise the discussion around architecture and our city. Holding your own event is a great way to be part of the conversation about architecture and our city. The LFA team is hosting a workshop at the London Bridge Hive, 5th November, to help form ideas around this year’s theme of ‘Power’.
As the world’s largest annual architecture festival, the LFA offers you a platform to get your voice heard, test new ideas, celebrate your work, start a debate, meet new clients, get noticed, make a point, publish research, build something new, bring your team together, meet new people or change our city for the better.
Following a record number of event submissions for the 2019 Festival, the ‘call for entries’ process now offers all potential event organisers more time to develop their proposals with the help of the Festival’s curation panel of leading architects, curators, artists and journalists. It’s free to submit and stage events – as long as they’re submitted before the deadline.
Submit your outline event proposal before:
15th December 2019 for your event to be considered by the first Curation Panel. This is essential if you need any additional help with your event.
10th March 2020 for the final deadline. If you don’t need any support with your event, this is the final deadline. But please be aware this final deadline doesn’t give you any time to revise your proposal if the Curation Panel have questions or comments.
Late entries can be submitted after this deadline on payment of a £50 admin fee (up until 9th April)
Following feedback from the Curation Panel:
All event information needs to be finalised online by 9th April.
For more information visit the London Festival of Architecture website.
Team London Bridge is a Supporter and Focus Area of the London Festival of Architecture.
The London Festival of Architecture is in its 13th year and runs 1-30 June.