Southwark Young Advisors help tackle anti-social behaviour


The Southwark Young Advisors have been funded by Team London Bridge for the second consecutive summer to help address anti-social and criminal behaviour caused by groups of young people on bikes.

The Young Advisors are a dynamic group of trained 16-25 year olds who act as mentors to young people – managing their behaviour and linking them with charities, educational opportunities, sports clubs and other similar organisations in their home boroughs.

Their presence in London Bridge (concentrating on Tooley Street, More London, Potters Fields Park and St John’s Churchyard) from 3pm-7pm, seven days a week throughout August, has helped to significantly curb the number of ASB incidents with all businesses surveyed reporting a noticeable improvement. Enforcement from the police has also been increased over that period.

We continue to work with the council, police, businesses, private security teams and various other local stakeholders to work on a long-term solution to this complex issue. 

The project was funded in partnership with London Bridge City and Potters Fields Park Management Trust.