A Weekly Update from our CEO


Dear London Bridge Businesses,

An update for the London Bridge Community, as always, all information will not be relevant to everyone but for some it may contain vital information. 

Southwark Council Hardship Fund is now open for applications; the council has created a £2 million emergency Business Hardship Fund for smaller businesses significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/health-and-wellbeing/public-health/for-the-public/coronavirus/business-hardhip-fund

Additional guidance for businesses and employees is also available from the Mayor of London website, this includes one to one advice from the London Growth Hub.  

Team London Bridge crisis response 

Our crisis hub on teamlondonbridge.co.uk has been activated and we’ve been populating it with critical information and updates from our London Bridge area.

BID services

 Your number one Business Improvement District (BID) priority has always been safety and security, and our BID funded police officers have been working tirelessly through this period, looking after premises and key workers, and helping businesses deliver urgent donations to NHS staff. In addition, our Business Manager, Henry Johnstone, has increased his voluntary hours as a Metropolitan Police Special Constable to patrol the area, emphasising our BID’s commitment to both security and the voluntary sector. 

Our marketing and communications have been firmly focused on supporting businesses, promoting their innovations, events and virtual services to engage the community at home. We’ve stayed abreast of thelatest business advice and made sure our members had access to the rapidly updated guidance.


A responsible, resilient community

As a community we have always been proud of our commitment to Responsible Business practices, and the response from you towards those in need has been inspiring. See our good news stories for a taste. For our part, we have made connections with charities possible and hope these will continue when this period is over. We have also redesigned our Love Lunch series to look after the well-being of all those employees at home and to give them a reminder of the London Bridge, providing a flavour of the cultural side of the area that we all hold so dear.  

Please do get in touch if we can help in any way.

Nadia Broccardo 

Chief Executive