London Bridge Back to Business: Update


With the country now in week 9 of the Covid-19 crisis, some of the temporary restrictions across the UK will soon be slowly lifted.

With a hugely important transport interchange, mixed-sector business community, education and medical facilities, London Bridge has a more complex challenge than most areas in designing a safe return to work for its 500+ businesses and 60,000 employees.

It’ll be a tough test for us all, but we have one of the best managed areas in London and are well prepared for when we’re allowed to start welcoming the business community back, step by step.   

Back to Business Working Group

We are keen to tap into the wealth of expertise we have locally to form a ‘London Bridge Back to Business’ Working Group, making sure our coordinated, phased response considers best practice honed by our business community.

The group will cover issues including

  • Transport,

  • Public Realm Management,

  • Workplace Management,

  • Safety & Security,

  • Marketing and Promotion,

  • Employee Health and Wellbeing.

If you or a colleague are able to participate in this group please

Business Advice

One role of the Working Group will be to interpret and act upon the latest guidance. The UK Government’s Covid-19 recovery strategy has just been released and includes guidance for offices which will be relevant to the majority of Team London Bridge members. 

Safe Travel

Transport for London (TfL) has published updated plans and advice to help Londoners travel safely and sustainably. At this time the emphasis remains on working from home if possible and staying off the bus and tube networks if you do have to travel.

TfL is also seeking insight into the challenges and opportunities for your business and employees and is asking us all to spare three to five minutes to complete this short business by 5pm, Thurs 14th May. 

Read TfL’s latest travel advice for Londoners here. 

Team London Bridge update

As guidance changes rapidly, Team London Bridge is determined to stay ahead of the game and is developing our Pre-Recovery plan. Pre-Recovery sees Team London Bridge mapping our resources, adapting our role and goals, and enlisting the services of our trusted partners to help our businesses bounce back and enjoy the support that comes from being part of such a resilient community. The afore mentioned Working Group will have a big part to play in how this evolves.

In anticipation of people gradually returning to work we are offering businesses our own London Bridge social distancing floor signs. Measuring 30 cm across, these are available without charge to BID members (maximum of 10 per business).

To place your order please email

The team have been working hard over past weeks, earning praise from members and partners for innovating our regular services and motivating others to do the same. Core services such as security, placeshaping and maintaining the public realm have continued, while a huge programme of online free arts, culture and wellbeing events has been developed with an enthused response from our local partners.

Through this next period Team London Bridge will remain mindful of some key learnings from the past 8 weeks:

  • The retail, leisure and hospitality sector will require additional support through the recovery process;

  • The amount of funding and legislative information that businesses have to process is vast and sources can be confusing;

  • Home working staff are adapting but many miss ‘going to work’ in London Bridge;

  • There is a huge thirst for virtual, online activities from the London Bridge area;

  • Recovery will need strong leadership and crystal-clear guidelines;

  • There is a strong desire to not lose the social and environmental ‘positives’ from the past few weeks – e.g. drop in air pollution, community relationships, respect for key workers;

  • Partnership work, local and national, is vital to a smooth and safe return to the workplace. We cannot work in isolation;

  • Team London Bridge is seen as a trusted partner and conduit for developing recovery projects. It must remain accessible, well-resourced and informed to respond quickly to the needs of members as policy changes overnight.

The Government and Mayor of London have rightly recognised the crucial role that BIDs can play in how businesses now respond.

As ever, keep your eye on our Crisis Recovery hub for business advice, Love Lunch activities to be enjoyed at home, wellbeing sessions, and news from the community.