Back to Business: Meeting Report


With movement and business operation restrictions starting to ease slightly over the coming weeks, Team London Bridge hosted our second Back to Business Group meeting on Weds 10th June.

The 30+ business group expressed a strong appetite for information on how national guidelines will be implemented locally, shared operational learnings and understanding of how the return to the workplace will affect the local economy. 

The group heard updates from Network Rail who welcome back a significant number of retailers to London Bridge station this week (w/c 15 June) and Shard Quarter who are planning procedures around employees returning to their Vertical City. Additional insights from London and Partners gave us a clearer picture of employee attitudes to returning to the workplace, while McDonald’s (Capital Arches Group) shared best practice on operating restaurant premises safely, using their case study which is being used by central government.  

In general, the group reported that many office-based businesses consider September or October a realistic time for them to return to their London Bridge premises, depending on how the health crisis now develops. Businesses are using this indeterminate period to consult staff, assess capacities, design procedure and implement new hygiene regimes. 

Updates from Team London Bridge


As we move towards the Recovery phase of our Crisis Response plan, Team London Bridge apprised the group on BID services and information being collated to amplify, inform and coordinate the work of local businesses, these include:

  • Street Space proposals for the London Bridge area. Team London Bridge is seeking input to respond to changing travel demands. Contact or use

  • TfL statistics show 50% of London businesses will continue to encourage staff to work from home; 60% say they will implement flexible working hours; most business re-occupancy plans are still being designed with 50% of businesses say they could re-open within 2 weeks once given the go-ahead by government.

  • Our dedicated BID Police Officers reported that Crime in May was up 5.5% compared to April (38 crimes vs 36), down 79% compared to this time last year; cycle theft has risen and is now a focus for both Met and BTP; and the pubs selling takeaway alcohol in the area are doing so in a responsible and well managed way.

  • Our new Open for Business map was revealed to show which businesses are now open in the area, with a view to re-launching the London Bridge DealCard from 30 June.

  • A new cargo-bike powered food delivery service was outlined. Based on a concept from Brigade Bar and Kitchen, the service would allow restaurants to deliver food to semi-local consumers by cargo-bike, providing a commission free, environmentally sound way of trading while on-site operations remain impacted.

  • Initial plans for additional support from Team London Bridge to enhance employee wellbeing were floated. This will be developed further as we assess the needs of our businesses.

If you are interesting in joining our Back to Business Working Group email

And visit the Team London Bridge hub for support, virtual events, community news and links to resources.