Be part of a Zero Carbon London Bridge

Team London Bridge has been working with xtonnes and Useful Projects to develop a Decarbonisation Plan for the area. As part of this process, we have been measuring the area’s carbon footprint, using xtonnes’ software to help assess where our biggest emissions come from.

We are delighted that 40 London Bridge businesses have already contributed data, and with this xtonnes has produced an initial assessment of six different business types’ carbon footprints (which will continue to be updated) – office, hotel, retail, restaurant, café and bar/pub. The lower and higher carbon footprint associated with each business type are outlined in the infographic below, in addition to average carbon emissions.  

These results will inform upcoming workshops as well as the interventions we will be proposing in our practical, yet ambitious, action plan.

The average person in the UK emits one tonne of Co2 in one month, and it is as big as a hot air balloon. To capture that carbon, 50 trees must grow for one year.


How do you think your business is performing? Are you interested in learning more about your carbon footprint? Or are you looking to improve your carbon performance? Can you help us gather additional data to improve our analysis? 

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you can still join our exciting initiative. Just contact by 17 March for more information on how you can get involved. The process is easy thanks to xtonnes’ user-friendly platform. And doing so can bring benefits to your organisation: from improving your branding and corporate social responsibility to reducing your utility bills and demonstrating your commitment to shareholders and employees. 

The more businesses contribute to our carbon footprint assessment, the more accurate our data and therefore our actions can be. 

So let’s act together, tackle the climate crisis and make London Bridge one of the most sustainable places to do business in!

Lucinda Kellaway