Join Our Effort to Recycle 2 million Disposable Coffee Cups This Year

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Across the UK 8 million disposable coffee cups are thrown away every day, with only 4% of these recycled back into useable paper products and the remaining 96% going to landfill or incineration. As part of our efforts to enhance sustainability in London Bridge, we’ve joined forces with recycling experts Paper Round to launch a paper cup recycling scheme.

We already have a network of public recycling bins around the area (they’re bright orange so you can’t miss them!), however we’re also encouraging businesses to have their own dedicated collection points in their premises. It’s important to note that disposable paper cups can’t be recycled through a traditional mixed recycling collection so must be kept separate.

Get Involved

We’re providing our businesses with a ‘voucher’ they can spend with Paper Round on cup recycling infrastructure which might include dedicated bins, or the sacks used to line them. In addition, we’ll also subsidise the collection by 50% meaning it costs just 70p to recycle a sack of cups.

The value of the voucher available will depend on the rateable value of the property your organisation occupies, as follows:

Rateable Value of £20,000 - £499,000 = £270

Rateable Value of more than £500,000 = £400

For further information on taking part and claiming your voucher, please contact Henry.

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