Team London Bridge to champion Social Regeneration approach on St Thomas Street Lucinda Kellaway26 March 2019social regeneration, placeshaping
New Volunteering Dates Released Lucinda Kellaway26 March 2019Team London Bridgevolunteering, Responsible Businesses, putting down roots, greening, community
10 charities benefit from 2019 Building Communities Fund Lucinda Kellaway21 March 2019Responsible Businesses, Charity, Community Funding
Be prepared for the new Ultra Low Emission Zone Lucinda Kellaway20 March 2019environment, Placeshaping, Responsible Businesses
Call for LFA entries still open Lucinda Kellaway14 March 2019placeshaping, art and culture, place promotion, festival, LFA, London Festival of Architecture, Place Promotion
New subsidised waste & recycling service launch Lucinda Kellaway27 February 2019environment, Responsible Businesses, green, London bridge, se1, recycling
Love Lunch 2019 January timetable now live! EventsLucinda Kellaway14 January 2019Love Lunch, Wellbeing, Events