Introducing London Bridge Delivered

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Team London Bridge has joined forces with food ordering platform Slerp to offer a high quality, cost effective and environmentally friendly new delivery option to our food and beverage community. 

London Bridge bars, restaurants and cafes have been working hard to reach out to new customers in this year’s very difficult trading environment, with many of their usual customers being absent during lockdown.

To help our businesses reduce costs, reach new customers and help keep London’s air clean, Team London Bridge has partnered with online food ordering platform Slerp to help take the unique local offer to people based at home, or even in their workplace. 

The new London Bridge delivery service can run alongside established delivery providers.  By signing up to the service restaurants have access to reduced commission rates and can offer customers an alternative that uses zero emission bicycles / cargo bikes.

With the likes of Gunpowder, Santo Remedio, Nine Lives Bar and Texas Joe’s already taking part in the initiative, we hope to expand the offer over the coming weeks. If you’re a BID Member business who would like to take part, please let us know.

To celebrate the launch of the service, Team London Bridge will be releasing vouchers to spend on London Bridge Delivered orders, starting with 10 x £5 vouchers for Nine Lives and 10 x £5 vouchers for Santo Remedio up for grabs.

Sign up here to be entered into the draw and to receive future updates on new restaurants and giveaways.