Take our Team London Bridge 2021-26 Survey

Reform Gardens 2019

Reform Gardens 2019

We want to hear from all London Bridge Business Improvement District members and stakeholders to help us design a plan and prioritise services for 2021-26.

Your opinions are essential to what we deliver and how the London Bridge area evolves.

This quick five minute survey asks you which services you would like Team London Bridge to continue and suggests a few new areas for us to explore.

Team London Bridge has been working tirelessly over the past 14 years to make London Bridge one of the most desirable places in the capital to work and do business. In October and November this year you will get the chance to vote and decide whether or not the area should keep supporting the additional services that Team London Bridge provides or not.

Click on this link to take part https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/tlb_2021 or pass on to someone else in the business if you feel they are better placed to contribute.  

As ever, thanks for your continued contribution to Team London Bridge.

Lucinda Kellaway