London Bridge Closure: Information and Advice

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From 16 March to end October 2020, The City of London will be carrying out essential maintenance works to London Bridge (the bridge itself). London Bridge will be closed to general traffic between 16 March and the end October 2020. Pavements in both directions on the Bridge will be significantly reduced until 7 August 2020.  

Roads on the approaches to neighbouring Blackfriars Bridge and Tower Bridge will be busier than usual as a result, especially during peak times. 

Pavements on the Bridge will be especially busy between 06:00 and 09:00 northbound and 16:00 and 19:00 southbound, Monday to Friday.

Cycles, buses, black cabs and motorbikes only will still be able to use the Bridge, although bus stops on the bridge will be closed. Private hire, freight vehicles and general traffic will be diverted. It is yet to be seen how traffic using the Bridge will be affected.  

We advise businesses as follows:

  • Communicate the works and travel advice to your employees, visitors and suppliers (full and up to date information is available at 

  • Pavements will be reduced, and only one pavement may be open at any time between 16 March and 7 August 2020. If you cross the bridge coming from the City of London side of the river to the London Bridge area in the morning peak (or the other way in the evening peak), then it will be more difficult.  It may be quicker and more comfortable to re-time your journey out of the peak hours, or re-plan your journey, using Tower or Southwark bridge, or to use other public transport options at London Bridge.

  • Speak to your suppliers about whether they can:

    •  re-route their approach to avoid the busy neighbouring Blackfriars Bridge and Tower Bridge; and re-time where possible to avoid the peak busiest times of 07:00 - 09:00 and 16:00 - 19:00; 

    • re-mode to cargo bikes, which will be allowed on the Bridge. Team London Bridge is promoting its’ Bikes for Business project to support the switch, and can give your business details and a subsidy. More information and a contact here.