Team London Bridge celebrates 20 years of BIDs in the UK


October 2024 marks 20 years since the anniversary of the first Business Improvement District (BID) pilot, with £1bn invested in local services and events to improve towns and cities for communities and business across the UK.  

Using a model from Canada, Business Improvement Districts allowed for businesses to choose and have access to additional services, like street cleaning, improving the environment and public realm, or events and activity to increase footfall and animation. The number of UK BIDs has now grown to over 340.  

The London Bridge BID, managed by Team London Bridge, was set up by the local business community in 2006. We’ve used this 20-year anniversary to look back at some of the highlights in the life of Team London Bridge and celebrate the amazing achievements we have shared with the BID community and our partners. 

"As we celebrate 20 years of Business Improvement Districts, Team London Bridge is proud to be part of two decades of remarkable transformation and progress that BIDs have driven in towns and cities across the UK. From championing the redevelopment of London Bridge Station into a key transport hub to leading vital change in the area's journey to becoming a Net Zero business district, we have played an instrumental role in shaping the future of this iconic area.

Our commitment to creating award-winning public spaces, supporting local business growth, and advancing sustainability has established London Bridge as a vibrant and thriving destination. Looking ahead, we remain dedicated to working alongside fellow BIDs to make our community a better place to live, work, and play. We look forward to continuing to drive innovation and foster collaboration, with a vision to make London Bridge one of the world’s most sustainable, culturally vibrant, and compelling places for business and tourism”

Nadia Broccardo, CEO, Team London Bridge

20 highlights from 2006 -Present

Lucinda Kellaway